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Phoebe performs in a variety of different music contexts ranging from community music settings to experimental rock gigs. 


In live solo stage and background performances, she has curated an exciting repertoire to intruige listeners.

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final angel bay-1.png

Angel Bay

Angel Bay (2024) is a graphic score piece using contemporary improvisation. This piece is based on a cove named Angel Bay (Porth Dyniewaid) situated in Penrhyn Bay, North Wales. Angel Bay is a rocky peninsula on the east of Llandudno and is known for the grey seals that reside on this beautiful landscape.


The graphic score was illustrated by aspiring architect, Neha Jakkumpudi. Phoebe performs Angel Bay on the lever harp and interprets the score with live effects pedals and improvisations.



If you would like to programme Phoebe to perform Angel Bay, please enquire via the 'Contact' page.




'Yn crwydro trwy'r caeau awelog â sŵn y tonnau arfordir Gogledd Cymru, mae'r morloi yn cysgu'n heddychlon ym Mhorth Dyniewaid'


​‘Wandering through breezy fields with the sounds of waves against the North Wales coastline, the peaceful seals lay in Angel Bay’



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